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Nissan Motor a présenté au salon de Tokyo 2015 un concept-car représentant le futur de la conduite autonome et des véhicules 100% électriques : le concept-car Nissan IDS. Carlos Ghosn a expliqué : « Les futures technologies de Nissan vont révolutionner la mobilité et la relation entre le conducteur et sa voiture ». Oui donc aujourd’hui, on présente une voiture qui n’a pas de moteur thermique et qui peut ne pas être conduis par le conducteur. Autrement dit, le concept IDS est la future voiture électrique, future voiture autonome, présenté par Nissan qui préfigure le futur style de la Nissan Leaf next-gen. Mais est-ce vraiment le futur futur ?
La présentation du Nissan IDS Concept

Nissan IDS Concept – teaser
Mi-octobre, Nissan avait présenté une première image teaser de son mystérieux concept, on reconnaît l’identité du constructeur notamment grâce aux LED qui viennent souligner la calandre et la ligne de caisse. La couleur bleue évoque l’électricité comme « moteur » de la voiture. La révélation eu lieu lors de la conférence de presse du constructeur à Tokyo.
Nissan at the Tokyo Motor Show 2015: Press Briefing
Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn unveiled the IDS Concept at the 44th Tokyo Motor Show.
Leader mondial et européen de la mobilité 100% électrique, Nissan se positionne de nouveau en tête des technologies embarquées et de l’innovation. En intégrant des technologies de sécurité et de contrôle du véhicule, couplés à un système d’intelligence artificielle, Nissan se place parmi les premiers constructeurs à concevoir des technologies de véhicules autonomes fonctionnelles et réalistes.
« Nissan Intelligent Driving améliore les capacités du conducteur à observer, penser, et agir. Il compense les erreurs humaines responsables de 90% des accidents. Par conséquent, le temps passé derrière le volant est plus sûr et plus plaisant » - Carlos Ghosn
Together We Ride
We envision a world where you share your journey with your car, not as a tool, but as a partner. It’s not just about potential about what could be, may be, or what’s possible. This is a promise of a future that’s smarter. Safer. Easier. And absolutely electrifying. When does Piloted Drive pull up to your door? Sooner than you think. The future of mobility is here, with the all-electric, autonomous Nissan IDS Concept car. #TogetherWeRide
Le design du Nissan IDS Concept
« La communication est l’un des facteurs clés à l’origine du concept-car Nissan IDS. Pour que la conduite autonome devienne réalité, nous devons non seulement prendre en considération la communication entre le véhicule et le conducteur, mais également entre le véhicule et toute autre personne. Le design du concept-car Nissan IDS symbolise la vision de Nissan en matière de conduite autonome, telle que formulée dans la phrase ‘‘ensemble, nous avançons’’ »
« Le concept-car Nissan IDS affiche un design intérieur différent selon que le conducteur opte pour le mode Piloted Drive ou Manual Drive. Cela nous paraissait fondamental pour exprimer notre conception de la conduite autonome »
- Mitsunori Morita, Design Director
Le design intérieur du Nissan IDS Concept

Nissan IDS Concept – portes ouvertes / open doors
L’habitacle gagne encore davantage en espace lorsque le mode Piloted Drive est activé. Le volant disparait alors derrière le tableau de bord pour faire place à un grand écran plat. Les opérations relatives à la conduite restent contrôlées par la voix ou les gestes du conducteur, ou via l’intelligence artificielle. Illuminé d’une lumière douce, l’habitacle est composé de matériaux naturels. Les quatre sièges individuels peuvent pivoter sur eux-mêmes afin de faciliter les conversations.

Nissan IDS Concept – intérieur / interior
Lorsque le mode Manual Drive est sélectionné, l’intérieur spacieux se transforme afin de laisser le conducteur reprendre le contrôle. Tous les sièges se tournent alors vers l’avant. Le volant réapparaît, ainsi que les compteurs. L’éclairage intérieur devient bleu.

Nissan IDS Concept – sièges / seats
« Quelle que soit la situation, il s’agit de donner au conducteur davantage de choix et de contrôle. Le conducteur restera au centre de nos efforts en matière de développement technologique » - Carlos Ghosn
Le design extérieur du Nissan IDS Concept
La large calandre affime l’identité de la marque Nissan, comme sur le Nissan GripZ.

Nissan IDS Concept – Nissan GripZ – Tokyo Motor Show 2015
Nissan Gripz Concept : le véhicule crossover sportif hommage à la Nissan 240Z

Nissan IDS Concept – profil avant / front side-face
La ligne de caisse Gris Métallisé est en réalité un ensemble de LED. Elles permettent d’indiquer les informations vis-à-vis des autres usagers de la route. Lorsque les piétons ou les cyclistes se trouvent à proximité, la bande lumineuse devient rouge, signalant que le véhicule est conscient de leur présence. Un autre affichage électronique permet d’envoyer aux piétons des messages lumineux, les invitant à traverser par exemple lorsqu’ils attendent. Ce système de communication marque le début d’une nouvelle ère d’interaction avec les véhicules.

Nissan IDS Concept – profil / side-face

Nissan IDS Concept – profil arrière / rear side-face
« Lorsque la technologie Nissan Intelligent Driving sera installée sur les véhicules de production, les véhicules 100% électriques accessibles seront capables de parcourir de remarquables distances en une seule charge. Pour en arriver là, les performances aérodynamiques seront essentielles. Nos technologies les plus avancées ont été intégrées au concept-car Nissan IDS » - Mitsunori Morita, Design Director
La hauteur de la carrosserie tout en fibre de carbone a été rabaissée à 13 cm, réduisant ainsi considérablement la traînée aérodynamique. Le positionnement des roues au plus près des angles de carrosserie permet de gagner de l’espace, tout en épousant parfaitement le design de l’habitacle. Nissan a par ailleurs sélectionné des jantes larges pour davantage de sportivité, tout en utilisant de fins pneumatiques de 175 mm pour minimiser la résistance à l’air et au roulement. Les jantes sont composées de plusieurs couches évoquant la forme de fines palmes. Elles créent de minuscules vortex d’écoulement d’air en surface. Cette innovation favorise l’écoulement plus fluide de l’air.
Le moteur du Nissan IDS Concept
Le concept-car Nissan IDS est équipé d’une batterie haute capacité de 60 kWh.
Technology: Nissan IDS Concept
Nissan and the Future of Intelligent Driving: the IDS Concept Car
Some have compared a future with autonomous drive to living in a world of conveyer belts that simply ferry people from point A to B, but the Nissan IDS Concept promises a very different vision of tomorrow. Even when the driver selects Piloted Drive and turns over driving to the vehicle, the car’s performance—from accelerating to braking to cornering—imitates the driver’s own style and preferences. In Manual Drive mode, the driver has control. The linear acceleration and cornering are pure and exhilarating. Yet behind the scenes, the Nissan IDS Concept continues to provide assistance. Sensors continually monitor conditions and assistance is available even while the driver is in control. In the event of imminent danger, Nissan IDS Concept will assist the driver in taking evasive action. In addition to learning, the Nissan IDS Concept’s AI communicates like an attentive partner. From information concerning traffic conditions, the driver’s schedule to personal interests, Nissan IDS Concept’s AI has what is needed to help create a driving experience that is comfortable, enjoyable and safe.
Spot TV Nissan LEAF – Rejoignez le courant
Il y a ceux qui parlent, et il y a ceux qui agissent. Et vous ? Rejoignez le courant et passez à la Nissan LEAF 100 % électrique.
Bonus sur le Web avec Automotive-Marketing
… le constructeur lance une campagne de communication destinée à asseoir son leadership sur le marché puisque Nissan est le leader mondial des véhicules 100% électriques. …
Nissan Leaf : il y a ceux qui parlent… et il y a ceux qui agissent !
English summary
COP21 deal critical for low-carbon economy
The Renault-Nissan Alliance is the first automaker to offer a full range of electric vehicles. We recently sold our 250,000th EV, and today more than half the EVs on the road globally were produced by the Alliance. The photo above is of Nissan’s IDS Concept that was unveiled at the recent Tokyo Motor Show, and features the latest advances in EV and autonomous drive technology. At the COP21 conference, the Alliance will have the largest fleet of zero-emission cars ever assembled for an international conference.
The Nissan IDS Concept
Today at the Tokyo Motor Show 2015, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. unveiled a concept vehicle that embodies Nissan’s vision of the future of autonomous driving and zero emission EVs: the Nissan IDS Concept.
Presenting at the show, Nissan president and CEO Carlos Ghosn said: “Nissan’s forthcoming technologies will revolutionize the relationship between car and driver, and future mobility.”
After leading the development and expansion of EV technology, Nissan once again stands at the forefront of automotive technology. By integrating advanced vehicle control and safety technologies with cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI), Nissan is among the leaders developing practical, real-world applications of autonomous drive technology.
Nissan Intelligent Driving is Nissan’s concept of autonomous drive technology and represents what Nissan believes next-generation vehicles should be.
“Nissan Intelligent Driving improves a driver’s ability to see, think and react. It compensates for human error, which causes more than 90 percent of all car accidents. As a result, time spent behind the wheel is safer, cleaner, more efficient and more fun,” - Carlos Ghosn
Some have compared a future with autonomous drive to living in a world of conveyer belts that simply ferry people from point A to B, but the Nissan IDS Concept promises a very different vision of tomorrow. Even when the driver selects Piloted Drive and turns over driving to the vehicle, the car’s performance—from accelerating to braking to cornering—imitates the driver’s own style and preferences.
In Manual Drive mode, the driver has control. The linear acceleration and cornering are pure and exhilarating. Yet behind the scenes, the Nissan IDS Concept continues to provide assistance. Sensors continually monitor conditions and assistance is available even while the driver is in control. In the event of imminent danger, Nissan IDS Concept will assist the driver in taking evasive action.
In addition to learning, the Nissan IDS Concept’s AI communicates like an attentive partner. From information concerning traffic conditions, the driver’s schedule to personal interests, Nissan IDS Concept’s AI has what is needed to help create a driving experience that is comfortable, enjoyable and safe.
“A key point behind the Nissan IDS Concept is communication. For autonomous drive to become reality, as a society we have to consider not only communication between car and driver but also between cars and people. The Nissan IDS Concept’s design embodies Nissan’s vision of autonomous drive as expressed in the phrase together, we ride.”
“The Nissan IDS Concept has different interiors depending on whether the driver opts for Piloted Drive or Manual Drive. This was something that we thought was absolutely necessary to express our idea of autonomous drive.”
- Mitsunori Morita, Design Director
Together, we ride is clearly demonstrated in the interior design.
Even though it is a hatchback, the Nissan IDS Concept’s long wheelbase enables comfortable seating space for four adults. But the cabin becomes even more spacious when the driver selects Piloted Drive. In this mode, the steering wheel recedes into the center of the instrument panel and a large flat screen comes out. Various driving-related operations are handled by AI, voice and gestures from the driver. The interior, which is comprised of natural materials such as mesh leather, is illuminated by soft light. All four seats rotate slightly inward, facilitating easier conversation. It’s like relaxing in a living room.
When the driver selects Manual Drive, the roomy interior transforms to put the driver in control. All seats face forward. The steering wheel, which takes styling cues from reins for horse riding, appears along with driving meters and a heads-up display that shows route and other driving information. Interior lighting switches to blue, stimulating the ability to concentrate. Nissan’s use of hollow-structure A-pillars helps ensure excellent visibility by reducing blind spots and also contributes to the feeling of open space.
The transformation to Manual Drive can be carried out with ease through a switch between the front seats called the Piloted Drive Commander. This is the only control the driver can physically operate when the car is in Piloted Drive: when the driver is ready to take over driving, a physical action should initiate the change.
For autonomous drive to be widely accepted, people need to fully trust the technology. Through its innovative communication capabilities, the Nissan IDS Concept promotes confidence and a sense of harmony for those outside the car as well. Various exterior lights and displays convey to pedestrians and others the car’s awareness of its surroundings and signals its intentions. The car’s silver side body line, for example, is actually an LED that Nissan calls the Intention Indicator. When pedestrians or cyclists are nearby, the strip shines red, signaling that the car is aware of them. Another electronic display, which faces outside from the instrument panel, can flash messages such as “After you” to walker. This natural, harmonious system of communication signals a new future with cars.
“By the time Nissan Intelligent Driving technology is available on production cars, EVs will be able to go great distances on a single charge. Getting to this point will, of course, require the further evolution of batteries, but aerodynamic performance is also very important. We incorporated our most advanced aerodynamic technology in the design of the Nissan IDS Concept.”- Mitsunori Morita, Design Director
The height of the full carbon fiber body was constrained to 1,380 mm, sharply minimizing aerodynamic drag (Cd). Positioning the tires close to the corners of the body maximizes interior space while enabling a wrap-around cabin design. Nissan selected large-diameter wheels for high-performance and sportiness, but used very thin 175-size tires to minimize air and roll resistance. The wheels have a layered design suggestive of thin fins that create tiny vortexes of air flow on the wheel’s surface. This design further contributes to smooth air flow.
The icicle pattern on the Nissan IDS Concept’s grille symbolizes a pure and clean design—perfect for an EV. Shaped like a stack of ice blocks, the grille pattern appears transparent. The car’s bluish satin silver body color heightens the impression of a comfortable and secure cabin space.
The Nissan IDS Concept is fitted with a high-capacity 60 kWh battery, and thanks to its outstanding aerodynamics, low stance, flowing form and reduced weight due to its full-carbon-fiber body, the vehicle is designed to also meet the need to drive long distances. Other technologies on the Nissan IDS Concept include Piloted Park that can be operated by smartphone or tablet, and wireless charging technologies. Through these, the driver can leave parking and charging to the car.
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