Partager la publication "Ducati DraXter : moto supersport show-bike, 90° anniversario, sur base XDiavel & 1299 Panigale"
Ducati a exposé au Motor Bike Expo de Vérone, du 22 au 24 janvier 2016, non seulement son XDiavel (présentation lors du salon EICMA 2015) mais aussi le show-bike DraXter. Cette moto est une interprétation de la XDiavel d’un point de vue ultra sportif, et un hommage célébrant les 90 ans, de la firme Ducati, basé à Bologne, en Émilie-Romagne.
Ducati DraXter
The Ducati draXter is a show bike which is the sporty interpretation of the XDiavel world. The spirit of the draXter is the one of an extreme dragster, with racing components of the highest level. For example, the suspensions and brakes are those of the Panigale Superbike. The lines and proportions of the XDiavel become even more extreme and make the draXter a unique sports bike which will take your breath away.
Le design du Ducati DraXter

Ducati DraXter – 2016 – avant / front
Le projet a été développé par le département Advanced Design du Ducati Style Center, une section entièrement dédiée à l’exploration des futurs designs et styles des modèles Ducati. Leurs idées et croquis ont permis au département prototype Ducati de créer la DraXter à partir de la XDiavel de série. La draXter est un dragster extrême avec des composants racing de haute qualité.

Ducati DraXter – 2016 – profil / side-face

Ducati DraXter – 2016 – arrière / rear
Le numéro 90 sur le flan de la Ducati draXter rappelle l’univers racing tout en rendant un hommage aux 90 ans que Ducati fête cette année.
The ‘Showbike’ unveiled exclusively at the Motor Bike Expo in Verona is the racing interpretation of the XDiavel and boasts a range of Superbike components. Gianandrea Fabbro, responsible for Advanced Design at the Ducati Design Center, tells us about it.
Its main qualities are already clear from the name. The DraXter is based on the XDiavel and takes the sports concept to an extreme. Its development has seen the direct involvement of the Ducati Design Center, the place in which the style and concepts relating to Ducati bikes come to life. It is there that the DraXter took shape, as Gianandrea Fabbro, responsible for Advanced Design, explains.
‘To create the XDiavel we took inspiration form the American motorcycle culture, also in terms of how to interpret performance in the absolute sense. A world in which the sports concept is always associated with spectacular dimensions and where « racing » is also synonymous with « show ». For this reason, in creating the DraXter, it was just natural to consider drag races, so trendy in the USA: in those races everything is taken to the extreme in order to achieve pure performance, a rocket start off the line right up to maximum speed. In doing this, however, we have made full use of our technical resources, in the sense that we turned directly to Ducati Corse for the components!’
It is important to underline that the DraXter, though inspired by a US phenomenon, was designed in full respect of Ducati’s sporting tradition, demonstrated by the fact that the brakes and suspension come from the Panigale Superbike no less!
‘Our desire was to celebrate that world with a strong and extreme representation of our values – continues Fabbro – and from this point of view the XDiavel has undergone a significant transformation, showing extraordinary versatility. Basically the bike has become pure aggressiveness, also thanks to significant work in terms of set-up, which now sees greater load at the front.’
So with the DraXter, the Ducati Design Center wanted to highlight the point to which customisation of the XDiavel can be taken, capturing the imagination of all the enthusiasts.
‘The final goal with this special edition is to demonstrate what it is possible to do with a base such as the XDiavel. For the rest, the structure of the bike, that is the frame, swing-arm and tank, is identical to that of the production model, but the aesthetic impact is totally different. To put it metaphorically, the DraXter is like a sort of short circuit applied to the XDiavel world. »
Considering its strong ties to the racing world, the DraXter had to have a race number. The number 90 was chosen and if you are asking yourself why, here’s Gianandrea’s reply.
‘Ducati was founded on 4 July 1926, and so celebrates its 90th anniversary in 2016. It seemed the best way to celebrate this important milestone, and is the first of a series of initiatives with which we’ll pay homage to the company over the course of the year.’
Le moteur du Ducati DraXter
Ducati Testastretta DVT 1262 avec calage Desmodromic variable, bicylindre en L, 4 soupapes par cylindre, Dual Spark, refroidissement liquide.

Ducati Testastretta – moteur / engine
Pour la XDiavel, les ingénieurs Ducati ont développé les dernières évolutions du moteur Testestretta : le Ducati Testastretta DVT 1262. L’augmentation de la cylindrée combinée à l’utilisation du système DVT (Distribution Desmodromique Variable), permettent une distribution du couple complète mais aussi fluide même à bas régime tout en assurant performances à plein régime. De plus, le moteur Ducati Testastretta DVT 1262 a un design particulièrement soigné qui, grâce au repositionnement de la pompe d’eau dans le V des cylindres, supprime les tuyaux du système de refroidissement du côté gauche.
Pour achever la réalisation, les suspensions et le système de freinage proviennent directement de la 1299 Panigale. Cet exercice de style a accentué les lignes et les proportions de la XDiavel, la rendant encore plus extrême que jamais pour donner naissance à la DraXter, une supersport unique et à couper le souffle.
Bonus sur le web – Redline Magazine
Voici la nouvelle édition du Redline Magazine, la revue pensée pour les fans et les passionnés de Ducati du monde entier ! À l’intérieur, vous trouverez une mine d’informations sur le nouveau XDiavel, la Multistrada 1200 Enduro et tous les nouveaux modèles, ainsi que plusieurs pages retraçant l’histoire de l’usine que vous pourrez redécouvrir lors de plusieurs évènements organisés en 2016, à l’occasion du 90ème anniversaire de Ducati, et que nous vous préparons pour la World Ducati Week. Mais le Redline Magazine vous réserve aussi d’autres surprises. Il vous offre un voyage fascinant dans la nouvelle collection de vêtements techniques et sportswear que Ducati a développé pour tous les passionnés.
==> Téléchargez Redline Magazine janvier 2016 FRA .pdf
English summary
Ducati DraXter Concept, at the Motor Bike Expo of Verona
Created in advance of the Motor Bike Expo of Verona, the XDiavel-based DraXter Concept further ties the performance heritage of Ducati to its new “cruiser”. The draXter features suspension and brakes taken from the Panigale, for instance. We can’t be sure the draXter in any way resembles a future production Ducati.
The Ducati draXter is a show bike which is the sporty interpretation of the XDiavel world. Unveiled at the Motor Bike Expo of Verona 2016, the draXter project was created in the Advanced Design area of the Ducati Style Centre, where the style and concepts of Ducati bikes of the future are born.
The ideas and drawings which come from the Ducati Style Centre have allowed the prototype department of Ducati to create the draXter, using the XDiavel series as the starting point.
The spirit of the draXter is the one of an extreme dragster, with racing components of the highest level. For example, the suspensions and brakes are those of the Panigale Superbike. The lines and proportions of the XDiavel become even more extreme and make the draXter a unique sports bike which will take your breath away.
The number 90 which is on the side of the Ducati draXter reminds us of the world of racing and, at the same time, is a homage to the 90th anniversary of Ducati which will be celebrated this year in 2016.
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