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#MWC16, connu par le nom de Mobile World Congress, c’est salon mondial des entreprises de hautes technologies et de la mobilité, qui se déroule cette semaine à Barcelone. Du 22 au 25 février 2016, les entreprises tel que Samsung présente leurs nouveautés plus ou moins spectaculaires en matière de téléphonie mobile, de tablettes et d’objets connectés. Parmi les entreprises présentes, on retrouve maintenant les constructeurs automobiles à la fête et à la tête de l’innovation mobile ! BMW, SEAT, Nissan, Volvo et Ford profitent du salon mondial du téléphone mobile, Mobile World Congress ou MWC à Barcelone, pour présenter quelques-unes de leurs dernières innovations. Samsung, à la manière de nVidia au CES, présente sa stratégie pour entrer dans les voitures et proposer des automobiles SmartCar ! Companies currently participating as part of Samsung’s connected car ecosystem include Amdocs, AT&T, AXA, Blink by Agero, China Unicom, Cisco, Crawford & Company, Ericsson, Europcar, HERE, IBM, Jasper, Oberthur Technologies, Openbay, Orange, Tantalum and Willis Towers Watson.
Samsung Connect Auto #MWC16
Si Apple est en train de concevoir une voiture électrique dans un secret de plus en plus relatif, Samsung n’est pas loin du développement la SmartCar. Samsung arrive avec la volonté de mettre au point des écosystèmes, à la manière de nVidia qui Drive l’Automobile depuis 2015, et confirmé en 2016 au CES.

Samsung MWC16 – stand-Samsung
Le géant coréen vient de présenter Connect Auto, un objet de type dongle qui se connecte au véhicule via le port OBD (On Board Diagnostics), placé sous le volant, conçu pour diagnostiquer l’état de la voiture et récupérer des données. Avec Connect Auto, Samsung propose de donner en temps réel des informations sur votre conduite et votre voiture, tout en faisant office de « hot spot » 4G/Wi-Fi.

Samsung MWC16 – Samsung Connect Auto
Ce petit ordinateur fonctionne sous Tizen, le système d’exploitation open source dont Samsung est un des principaux défenseurs, et repose également sur la plate-forme de sécurité mobile KNOX, développée par les ingénieurs du géant coréen. Samsung insiste sur le fait que ce couple logiciel permet à des développeurs tiers de développer de nouveaux services et donc de créer un écosystème.
A l’heure actuelle, Samsung a déjà embarqué quelques services de base. Il y a ainsi en tout premier lieu le partage de la connexion 4G en Wi-Fi pour que tous les passagers puissent surfer sur le Web grâce à KNOX.

Samsung MWC16 – stand-Samsung Automotive
Samsung Connect Auto sera proposé dans un premier temps aux Etats-Unis avec AT&T au cours du deuxième trimestre 2016. Aucune date de disponibilité en Europe n’a pour l’instant été communiquée. Mais Orange a d’ores et déjà annoncé qu’il était partenaire de ce projet via Orange Business Services et était « impatient de contribuer à l’écosystème de voiture connecté de Samsung en Europe et au-delà ».
English summary
Samsung Connect Auto #MWC16
Samsung Electronics is helping drivers embark on a new journey through its ground-breaking connected car solution, Samsung Connect Auto. Providing benefits to consumers and businesses alike, Samsung is delivering an ecosystem of services and products to enable a safer, more eco-friendly and more fun driving experience. Consumers gain comfort knowing their vehicle is secure, and enterprises gain productivity through fleet management capabilities and services offered by Samsung as well as partners.

Samsung MWC16 – Keynote – Connected Cars
Samsung Ushers in a New Era of Driving Experience with Samsung Connect Auto
#Cisco #MWC Cisco supporting Samsung Connect Auto announcement
— Debbie Clasen (@debclasen) 22 Février 2016
Samsung Connect Auto plugs directly into the OBD II port underneath the steering wheel. It uses real-time alerts to help users improve their driving behavior, including increased fuel efficiency, while offering a Wi-Fi connection to keep passengers online while on-the-go. The solution is kept secure using Samsung KNOX , the company’s market-leading, defense-grade mobile security platform. Samsung Connect Auto provides the mass market with an affordable connected car solution that places safety and security first, while enriching in-car and out-of-car experience. Samsung Connect Auto will initially be available in the second quarter in the U.S. AT&T will be the first wireless provider of the solution in the U.S.
“We have been listening to our customers and pushing boundaries to create a connected car ecosystem that seamlessly integrates our products and partner services for a better driving experience. Through collaborations with valuable partners and experts across many industries, we are carrying out our vision of bringing IoT technology to people’s everyday lives.” - Dr. Injong Rhee, Executive Vice President and Head of R&D, Software and Services, Mobile Communications Business at Samsung Electronics
“Samsung’s willingness to work with others to create an ecosystem of true interoperability will allow it to be one of the leaders in the aftermarket connected vehicle space. These are exciting times for connected car innovation, and we look forward to offering customers this powerful new option.” - Chris Penrose, Senior Vice President, Internet of Things, AT&T Business Solutions
“Orange Business Services is proud to collaborate with Samsung to jointly provide advanced IoT/M2M expertise and services to the automotive industry. This market is growing exponentially, and we are eager to contribute to the Samsung connected car ecosystem in Europe and beyond.” - Valérie Cussac, Vice President Mobile France & International, Orange
“This new mobile distribution platform is a potential game changer that we believe will bring usage-based insurance to the mass market. We are excited about collaborating with Samsung and Tantalum, leveraging our insurance analytics to encourage safer driving and help consumers get access to better insurance rates.” - Geoff Werner, Global Telematics Leader, Willis Towers Watson
“AXA is delighted to partner with Samsung in the development of a secured Connected Car ecosystem that will bring peace of mind for our customers, provide them with additional insurance and assistance services and contribute to enhance drivers’ behaviors.” - Serge Morelli, Deputy CEO of AXA Partners and CEO of AXA Assistance.
Safety and Peace of Mind
The backbone of Samsung Connect Auto is KNOX security and Tizen OS for interoperability. Samsung KNOX provides security from the hardware through the software levels, including applications. Prioritizing security differentiates Samsung Connect Auto from competitor offerings. Developers can leverage Tizen and Samsung’s Software Development Kit (SDK) to further evolve additional services. Samsung also encourages safe driving behavior by using geo-fencing and driver rating algorithms. In the event of an accident, emergency alerts notify the driver’s contacts and accident concierge services are provided. A “Find My Car” app also helps in locating your car in real-time using LTE and GPS.
Have Fun and Be Eco-friendly
A powerful LTE Wi-Fi hotspot enables multi-user internet access that lets passengers in the car stream content and play online games. Fuel efficiency analysis helps drivers consume less fuel through the use of proprietary algorithms that analyze miles travelled, time on the road and price per gallon – a valuable feature for those in the transportation and logistics field.
Save Money and Be Productive
A virtual mechanic intelligently checks your car status from the on-board diagnostic port to recommend maintenance and repair services offered by a specialized network. This enables quick notification of performance and helps reduce repair costs.
Drivers can leverage the solution’s Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) feature by opting to share their vehicle data to receive valuable insurance offerings.
For those professionals who are often on the road, journey logs automatically generate an email report to help users track expenses while traveling for work, providing business mobility efficiency.
Partner Ecosystem
Samsung is creating a new partner ecosystem of carriers, insurance companies, roadside assistance operators and maintenance networks. Additionally, by partnering with auto manufacturers, Samsung is helping to bridge the gap between the automotive industry and the mobile world. By investing in the creation of connected car services on both sides of the market – consumers and enterprises – Samsung will continue to build valuable partner relationships that provide drivers with a premier service.
Companies currently participating as part of Samsung’s connected car ecosystem include Amdocs, AT&T, AXA, Blink by Agero, China Unicom, Cisco, Crawford & Company, Ericsson, Europcar, HERE, IBM, Jasper, Oberthur Technologies, Openbay, Orange, Tantalum and Willis Towers Watson.
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