Partager la publication "BMW & Gigi Hadid featuring en vidéo …a super model meets a super-car April 14th #EyesOnGigi"
À votre avis, quel célèbre top model californien a pris goût à la Nouvelle #BMWM2 Coupé ?
Gigi Hadid ! En attendant le 14 avril, vidéo teaser via BMW :
Eyes on Gigi Hadid. Teaser.
Style icons like playing games together. That is why we had Gigi Hadid hang out with our first-ever BMW M2 Coupé; the new standard of performance and style. Find out what happens when a super model meets a super-car April 14th. Ready to play #EyesOnGigi?
Gigi Hadid !?
…en attendant le 14 avril ?
==> BMW M2 Coupé : châssis M Sport, Six cylindres 3.0 biturbo, 370 ch. Nürburgring : 7 min 58 s

BMW M2 – 2016 – sur circuit / on track
MAJ 14/04/2016 :
BMW a mis en place un site avec un dispositif de vidéos interactives et une vidéo 360° pour suivre cinq BMW M2. Plus qu’à trouver dans laquelle Gigi se trouve !
La fille à la robe rouge est dans la voiture bleue !
English summary
BMW released a new videos of Gigi Hadid. Allegedly there is a BMW M2 hiding somewhere, I have yet to see it. Jokes aside BMW has a new M2 marketing campaign with the 20 year old model coming in a few days. In the mean time watch this video a few more times to find the M2.
Style icons like playing games together. That is why we had Gigi Hadid hang out with our first-ever BMW M2 Coupe; the new standard of performance and style. Find out what happens when a super model meets a super-car April 14th.
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